AFCO 2022

Registrations: 1 March - 15 April 2022
If you have an innovative project, an original idea or simply believe that your graduation project can be implemented in a company, we are waiting for you to register for AFCO - Graduates in Front of the Companies, the 2022 edition.
AFCO will take place on Tuesday, 10 May 2022, and it addresses on the one hand the final-year students (bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate) willing to present specific aspects of their diploma projects to the representatives of the economic environment, and on the other hand the students in other academic years with outstanding results obtained in various projects.
The works for AFCO 2022 will be presented in the form of an A1 poster - portrait, its graphic design being authored by each competitor. The posters will be printed by the organizers.
Calendar of the Event:
01.03 - 15.04.2022: Registration of participants
01.04 - 4.05.2022: Printing of posters according to the template (A1 format)
6.05.2022: Final programme
10.05.2022: The actual event
Further details are available HERE